Cyd and Oscar Hospitality Rockstar 2022

Executive Director Cyd Haynes awarded Oscar Rosalez a Certificate of Achievement and a $500 Visa gift card

Minneapolis Northwest Tourism’s Hospitality Rockstar program is designed to stimulate and reward exceptional customer service by front line employees working in the hospitality community.

Nominated by La Quinta Inns & Suites franchise owner Khalid Qureshi, Oscar received a certificate of recognition and a $500 Visa gift card from executive director Cyd Haynes.

Described as a “jack of all trades,” Rosalez has worked at the La Quinta Inn and Suites in Brooklyn Park for the past 10 years.

He first started as a housekeeper, then transitioned to maintenance and supervisory work.

Oscar receiving Hospitality Rockstar award from Cyd Haynes

Franchise Owner/Principal Manager Khalid Qureshi looked on as Oscar Rosalez received his award from Cyd Haynes

“He is a role model,” said Khalid. “He comes here every day happy, excited and we love to have him here. He is our role model for other staff.”

Cyd Haynes remarked, “We want to be great hosts when visitors come into our area, and these are the people that are the best of hosts. These are the people that give the memorable experience for our visitors.”

“The hospitality industry is a little bit invisible. We don’t always see the hard work that’s behind what these people do,” she added. “We’re happy to recognize somebody who has been in the industry for many, many years, and has been faithful in serving. It’s important to lift up people as examples, especially for the rest of the industry. We’re going through a really hard time, so it’s especially important right now.”

Hospitality Rockstars can be nominated by guests, customers, and managers at Minneapolis Northwest businesses in Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park by filling out a nomination form on our website.

The program recognizes those who make a good visit great and turn a stressful and tiring day of traveling into an energizing and unforgettable experience! We thank cable access station CCX for covering our surprise award ceremony on several evening newscasts and on their website.

CCX filming Hospitality Rockstar award ceremony

Cable access station CCX interviewed Khalid who had nominated Oscar for the Hospitality Rockstar award