Our Team

Meet the people behind Minneapolis Northwest Tourism

The staff at Minneapolis Northwest is here to answer any questions related to the area and about the complimentary services we provide. Please feel free to email one of the MNW staff members directly. We look forward to hearing from you!


Leslie Wright

President & CEO, Leslie@mplsnw.com

Mary Lower

Marketing Consultant, Mary@mplsnw.com

Jen Durdahl-Johnson

Destination Sales Director & Community Engagement Coordinator, Jen@mplsnw.com

Emily Kaneakua

Administrative Assistant, Emily@mplsnw.com


The Minneapolis Northwest Board of Directors donate their time and talents to promote the community to visitors for the benefit of the entire organization and the area as a whole, which includes Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park. The Board is comprised of representatives from the Minneapolis Northwest area, including the public and private sectors, hotels, venues, attractions, businesses and city government. They set policy, guide Minneapolis Northwest, and develop strategic plans for the future.


  • April Graves - Chair Mayor, Brooklyn Center
  • Hollies J. Winston - Vice Chair  Mayor/EDA President, Brooklyn Park
  • Blake Sieloff - Treasurer General Manager, Minneapolis Marriott Northwest, Brooklyn Park
  • Michelle Basham - Secretary  Economic Development & Housing Director, Brooklyn Park
  • Matt Oquist - Immediate Past Chair Director of Community Engagement, Luther Auto, Brooklyn Center/Park


Brett Hildreth  Real Estate Broker, Brooklyn Center

Cordell Wiseman   Director of Recreation, Brooklyn Center

Tina Harpke General Manager, Embassy Suites, Brooklyn Center

Denise Butler Director of Economic & Community Development ACER, Brooklyn Park

Indrid Alexander Director, Small Business Center, Brooklyn Park

Leslie Wright President & CEO, Minneapolis Northwest Tourism



About Us

Minneapolis Northwest Tourism is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting our two vibrant cities of Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park  – also known as Minneapolis Northwest. Our area provides a blend of big-city adventure, multicultural flavor and rustic tranquility with our...